The Liebster Blog Award is to acknowledge those blogs with under 200 followers and to help those to be recognised. It's a great idea as it is hard to start up your own blog and through this you may find new blogs who have similar interests and contents to yours.

I was tagged by the lovely Emma - so thank you! 

The rules are pretty simple! 

- Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
- Answer the 11 questions the person giving the award has set for you.
- Create 11 questions for the people you will be giving the award to
- Choose 11 people to award and send them a link to your post.
- Go to their page and tell them
- No tag backs.

Eleven Things About Me:

1. My favourite holiday ever was to Siem Reap in Cambodia - absolutely breath-taking. Second to that was New York :)
2. I hate coke/pepsi + anything coke flavoured.
3. I have had 2 surgeries on my eyes, both under the age of 3.
4. Believe it or not, I really dislike flying.
5. Both my first and last names are spelt in the Scottish way, my father and his side of the family are from Aberdeen in Scotland.
6. I HATE Thai food. 
7. My favourite TV shows include; The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Cougar Town, Scrubs and Top Gear.
8. For my uni course, I have to live in each country of the languages I am studying for at least 3 months. I loved Madrid so that's at the top of my list for Spanish, and I'm not sure about Russia, but I'm thinking about St. Petersburg :)
9. I am a total technology nerd. I am the person in the family that people come to to fix things!
10. I hardly drink. I pretty much hate the tast of most alcohol (excluding baileys mmmmm)
11. My favourite time of year is winter. I am much better suited to being cold than hot, I am literally counting down the days until I'm back in the UK being cold again :)

Emma's Questions!

What reason made you start your blog?

For me, it was the next step in my 'online career', shall we say. I wanted to branch out from my primary online platform (youtube) and delve into the fashion world a bit more.

If you could live one place, Where would it be?

Tough question. I know it sounds silly, but I would live in London. It's just where I honestly feel most at home and whenever I'm away I miss it. 

Who is your ultimate Girl Crush?

Hrmm tricky. Probably Olivia Wilde. However, after watching The Dark Knight Rises, I am in love with Marion Cotillard.

What is your Guilty Pleasure?

Again, tricky! Probably snuggling up in bed on a friday night, whilst the rest of the student population is out, with some dairy milk chocolate and a good movie!

Who is your Favourite Designer?

This is an ever-changing answer for me. Although I do love a bit of Alexander Wang.

Is there anything unusual about you?

Erm, I don't think so? I have pretty big feet (8 UK).

Do you like to Save, Spend or Splurge?

I've always been rubbish as saving, yet too afraid to splurge, so I guess I'm a spender!

What is your go to item?

Brown eyeliner. Not too harsh yet makes my lashes look a lot fuller :)

If you could be born in any era, Which would it be?

Probably in the Hollywood Glamour era, it looked so, well, glamorous!!

What is your favourite Lipstick colour?

Fuchsia/Magenta Pink (MAC Madly Magenta, Snow Orchid, to name a few). I love a bold lip ;)

If you were to be daring, What would you do?

Jump out of a plane. I've always wanted to do that!


My Questions :

1. What is your basic everyday makeup?

2. What was your favourite holiday ever?

3. Are you a necklace, ring, bracelet or earring girl?

4. What skin type do you have and what are your must have products to tame it?

5. What's your favourite trend for A/W?

6. Glitter, Cream or Matte nail polish?

7. What's your go to perfume?

8. What is your least favourite fashion trend of all time?

9. Which 3 countries are on the top of your 'to visit' list?

10. If you could go to one fashion week - which one would you go to?

11. Any secret talents?

Thanks again to Emma for nominating me - I'm so grateful! 
You can check Emma's blog out here.


  1. Love it, You've answered them all so well :) Isn't it such a fab idea as you really do get to know a bit more about the blogger. Well anyway I hope you enjoyed doing it

    It's Just a bit Fruity Fashion Blog


  2. Oh wow! Thank you sweetie! :-)
    Such an honour to be nominated twice hehe.

    I shall let you know when I have posted it up and you can have a little read if you wish!


  3. Thank you for nominating me! I love tags like this, you get to find so many great new ones to read :) I'll give you a tweet when my post is up! Cx

  4. Thanks so much for nominating me! When I get back into the swing of things post-holiday I'm definitely going to be doing this :D x

  5. thank you lovely! I seem to have been tagged multiple times, so instead of doing another post, I shall mention your blog on my own and give you a follow as your blog is so lovely <3

    // xx

  6. wow, thank you so much for nominating me! <3

  7. Hope you all enjoy doing it! xx


