I thought it might be an interesting idea, instead of a standard favourite post or something similar, to take a snapshot of my life every so often to keep you guys updated on what's going on, as well as providing myself with an account of where I was at a certain point of my life. 

Where to start..? Well, as the title suggests, it was my very merry un-birthday yesterday meaning that I now have to edit the 22 to 23 in every bio I have scattered all over the internet. I only had to go to work for a couple of hours so that was nice and I celebrated with my family in the evening over a glorious dinner.  

Qué más? Since we last sat down and had a (metaphorical) chat I have in fact got myself a job - wipee! Well, I say job but I really mean internship but what can you do? I'm just lucky that my parents live on the outskirts of London so I can live at home and commute in. London is so ridiculously expensive these days that I swear it should be illegal not to pay someone for work. My current role is 'Social Media and PR intern', but like any other intern, I do a hell of a lot more outside of my job title. I've been with the company for about 3 months now and am enjoying it - now I just have to hope that there'll be a job at the end of it! 

Well, I guess that's about it for now. I actually thought that it would be longer because it's been a while since my last update, but I guess that work has just been keeping me so busy recently that I haven't had time for much else! 

Let me know if you have any questions/other things you want to know and I'll make sure to reply to your comment ASAP (another thing that occacionally gets forgotten about when you're super busy!) 

Hasta luego,
Isobel x

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