Why hello,
Today I'm having a bit of a lazy day (bring on the comfy slippers and hot chocolate!) so i've decided to do a second round of my current ins and outs. the last time i did this was before i left hong kong so it should be a bit different!

- uni life
I love the freedom that i now have. i mean sure, that also comes with a bit of added responsibility, but nothing beats endless sleep-athons and never having a nagging parent hovering. also, you get to meet so many amazing new people and specialize in what really interests you, rather than sleeping through maths classes!
- uk drugstore brands
when i was living in asia, i used to drool when watching uk beauty gurus talk about these amazing products that i just could not get my hands on. now i'm over here, they are just at my door step (to the dismay of my bank balance!)
- autumn/winter
finally it is starting to get cold! i know that in a few months i will be moaning constantly about my numb toes but living in somewhere like hong kong (which hardly ever gets below 10 degrees), i've really missed the winters that i used to love as a child. bring it on winter 2011!
- batiste xxl volume dry shampoo
2 words. life saver. ever woken up 10 minutes before the start of an important lecture (or even worse, 10 minutes after!) to realize that fell asleep without remembering to wash your hair and now it looks beyond repair? whip out this baby and within seconds your greasy, limp hair will become full of oomph and refreshed. win.
- revlon matte lipstick in pink pout 
love this baby. perfect pink that gives you that girly pink pout, but subtle enough to wear everyday. also works fabulously as a blush. double win.

- washing up
whilst at home during my reading week i really came to appreciate the dishwasher. what else is there to say?
- constantly changing weather
PLEASE england, can you please just make up your mind? warm or cold!
- not having a car
it just makes going food shopping SO much more difficult. on the other hand, i have finally discovered tescos delivery so this is not such an inconvenience.

well that is all that springs to mind this time, luckily the ins are outweighing the outs, lets hope it stays like this!!

isobel rose.

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