Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed Christmas and spending time with your loved ones. I have to start this post apologising about the lack of posts and videos over the festive period. Basically, at about 4pm on the 23rd, our power went out, and didn't come on until late Christmas Day. No lights, no heat, no hot water, no internet, no phone and not much else really. I actually had a few blog posts and videos planned that now feel a bit redundant as the time has passed. Anyway, the point is I was disconnected for a few days but now I'm back! 

I've seen a few of these 'what I received' posts, and I personally find them very interesting. However, not everyone will feel the same, so I feel the need to put a little disclaimer out there - I am not trying to boast/brag about what I got for Christmas, I simply find it interesting to see what others have received and therefore thought I'd put my own post up! Right, now that's done, let's take a little peek shall we...?

On the beauty side of things, I was lucky enough to receive some lovely bits. My parents got me some bits from Origins - Precipitation Extra and Make A Difference + Treatment. My brother (with A LOT of help from my mum!) got me a gorgeous Nude Glow Shimmer Brick and the Smokey Eye Mascara from Bobbi Brown. I had already hinted what I wanted to my little sister, so I was thrilled when my two sisters paired up and gave me the Babyliss New Big Hair and the Origins Vitazing Tinted Moisturiser. I was then lucky to receive a great mix of Nails Inc nail polishes from my Aunt and Uncle! 

The main present I received from my parents is a gorgeous white iPad Mini. This wasn't actually a surprise though at I actually ordered is and paid for half of it - but I absolutely love it. It's such a handy, travel-friendly size. I was going to buy myself one back in September before embarking on my year abroad, but I wanted to wait for the new Retina display version to be released. It's perfect for blogging on the go, as well as watching The Big Bang Theory and playing Hayday! I also received some Madrid-related gifts as I'm headed there in February on the second part of my YA. I got 2 different travel guides - the Lonely Planet and the Rough Guide - both are great as they actually fairly different content. Of course, Christmas wouldn't be complete without some socks, a years worth of chocolate and, most importantly, a cracking Christmas jumper. My mum got me this one from John Lewis, which I wore proudly on Christmas Day!

So, that's just a little peek at some of the gifts I was lucky enough to have waiting for my under the Christmas tree this year! What did you guys receive? What was your favourite gift? Let me know in the comment section below...

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