Happy New Year! ¡Feliz año nuevo! C новым годом!

I'm not going to lie, I am absolutely rubbish when it comes to writing anything remotely sentimental, so I'm going to make this fairly quick. 2013 was a roller coaster ride to say the least - leaving my teenage years behind, getting the opportunity to travel a lot, putting more energy into my blog, and of course, starting my year abroad by moving to Russia. My blog has been one of my main focuses this year and has kept me levelled when everything around me was changing, and I'm truly excited to see what the next 12 months will bring. I hope you've enjoyed reading this blog - every page view, follower and comment mean the world to me. In order to grow and hopefully keep creating interesting content, please do let me know if there is any posts/features you'd like to see and I'll do my absolute best to incorporate them. Wherever you are in the world, I hope you had a wonderful New Years celebration and thank you so much for your continuous support. 

Sending my love to each and everyone of you,


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