How to make NARS Sheer Glow work for you...
Monday, February 3, 2014
If you're anything like me, you probably had certain expectations when purchasing NARS Sheer
Glow. But, if you are yet to fall into the inevitable trap that so many before you have, let me just
stop you in your tracks. For some reason, this foundation in no way lives up to its name. Let me
sum it up for you, NARS Sheer Glow is in no way sheer, in fact I would describe it as medium-
heavy coverage, and is one of the least glow-y foundations that I have ever used. Now don't get
me wrong - I wouldn't describe it as matte either, but it certainly isn't glow-y as the name suggests.
Que lástima. When I first applied this to my skin, I was really disappointed. Apart from the major
flaws mentioned above, it just didn't sit on my skin right. However, I am not one to sit and cry over
spilled foundation *ba dum bum* so I knew that I had to find a way to make it work for me. Then it
hit me - through my makeup counter induced daze I remember the MUA mixing the foundation with
a bit of Copacabana Highlighter before applying it. A bit ironic as the foundation is supposed to be
glow-y on its own, but hey. Now, I don't own Copacabana, so I whipped out my new Revlon
Skinlights in Pink Light and mixed a bit of that in - and hey presto! It's the strangest thing though,
as although the highlighter does add that bit of sheen to the foundation, it mainly fixes the problem
of how it was sitting on my skin. Sheer Glow now blends a whole lot better into my skin and gives
me the flawless, glow-y base I was after.
Now, when it comes to mixing the two, it really depends what look you're going for. On a day-to-day basis, I generally go for 4:1 foundation:highlighter ratio, but you can certainly adjust that according to your needs. I have tried a 3:1 ratio, which gave my skin an incredible glow, but took away from the level of coverage - so it's all up to you. Again, you can use any highlighter you have to hand, but the Revlon one works beautifully as it gives you a sheen rather than a face full of glitter.
Now, when it comes to mixing the two, it really depends what look you're going for. On a day-to-day basis, I generally go for 4:1 foundation:highlighter ratio, but you can certainly adjust that according to your needs. I have tried a 3:1 ratio, which gave my skin an incredible glow, but took away from the level of coverage - so it's all up to you. Again, you can use any highlighter you have to hand, but the Revlon one works beautifully as it gives you a sheen rather than a face full of glitter.
So, have you fallen into the trap of NARS Sheer Glow? How did you make it work for you? I'd love
to hear in the comment section below!