What I've Been Loving #20
Sunday, April 6, 2014I'm afraid that I'm going to have to keep this week's 'WIBW' short and sweet as I am currently buried under a mountain of reading and essays. Let's just say that I'm only halfway through a book about the misrepresentation and denial of the Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula which I have to complete and write a 1500 word profile of by Monday. Oh, and did I mention it's in Spanish and although I'm only half way through, I've been reading it collectively for about 14 hours? Yeah, fun times. However, I hope that you enjoy your weekend far more than I am going to - bring on the venti caramel lattes! So without further ado, this is what I've been testing out this week...
I've been going without a serum since I used up my Clarins one about 2 months ago, so I was on the hunt for one. I have seen a lot of posts about this recently (doing the pr rounds?) and it seemed like a good option for me. My skin is both sensitive and dry, so so far this is working pretty well, but it's early days still!
This is more a luxury than a necessity - but boy is it nice. This cute little device is lovely for massaging your face, which gets your blood circulation ramped up, which in turn helps your moisturiser/facial oil/treatment sink in better. Oh and I forget to add, it feels so nice.
I don't know whether it's stress, a reaction from a new product or my less-than-healthy eating due to my insane workload, but my skin is having a temper tantrum at the moment. I don't have a lot of spots popping up, but a few painful little buggers keep appearing. The only product that I know of that can deal with these type of blemishes in a hurry is this little beauty from Origins. I'm not going to lie, this is pretty powerful stuff, but it gets the job done.
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