There will always come a time when you have to say goodbye to some of your favourite and most loved products, whether that have had a good long life, or have departed before their time - dramatic much? Well, that such time has come for two of daily loves, but as much as it pains me, they're both headed straight to the bin. First things first, the amazing NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer has finally bitten the dust, no matter how hard I've tried to prolong it's life. To be honest, I could probably keep scraping the sides for another week or so, but it's really become to light for my newly bronzed complexion (thank you Spanish sun!) so it's really time to let it go and move on. As much as I'd like to rush out and buy it again, I really wouldn't know what shade to buy as I'd like to use it straight away, but if history is anything to go by, my tan will be fairly short lived. So for now I'll just have to make do with some of the other concealers rattling around in my collection.

Unfortunately, the Bumble and Bumble BB Defrizz met a far more tragic fate. I went to go and pick it up the other day to help tame my day-three afro, and it was a lot lighter than I remember it being. Now this was a heavy bottle to begin with because hair serums are usually quite dense, and after having it for over a year and only using up about 20% of it, you can imagine my surprise when I picked up and found it empty. Puzzled, I decided to investigate - it turns out that the lid wasn't entirely secure and the bottle had been laying on it's side, and had slowly drained out all over the floor under the basket I was keeping it in. Slippery doesn't even cover it. As much as I love this, I'm still on my spending ban and I have one or two hair oils/serums to try and use up, so for now it's farewell, BB Defrizz and the £20 or so worth of product all over my wooden floor. 

Have you finished any of your favourite products lately? Are you going to repurchase them straight away, or try to use up some of the alternatives that you already own?

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