Another day, another FOTD. Once again I've gone for a very minimalist look, only using a touch of bronzer and a smidgen of blue eyeliner to brighten things up a bit and make it that bit more exciting. This is the type of look I've been going for lately, but usually minus the foundation and doubling up on the concealer for good measure. I guess summer laziness has got to me, and my skin is in a decent enough condition that I can generally get away with it - yay! I've listed the products below if you're interested as to how I created this look (if you can even call it that!) and I hope you all have a lovely day!

BASE: Benefit 'Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow' Foundation in 'Ivory (Believe in me)', 17 Stay Time Concealer in 01, Bourjois Bronzing Primer, Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in 'Flush'

EYES: Bourjois Colour Edition 24hr Eyeshadow in 'Petale de Glace', Kiko Twinkle Eye Pencil in '05', The Body Shop Big and Curvy Mascara, Benefit Gimme Brow

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