The Reading List: June - August '14
Friday, August 8, 2014
Well, this is something new isn't it? With all the reading I have to do for my degree, I often find myself steering clear from reading in my free time. However, when the holidays roll around, I seem to rediscover my love for sitting down with a good book for hours on end undisturbed.
I'd be lying if my degree didn't have an influence on the sort of books I usually gravitate to. If I had to choose, I'd say that historical fiction is my favourite genre of book - I love following a story whilst still learning about the cultural and historical background behind it. Being a Russian language student, I am on a bit of a Russian kick at the moment (historically - not actually in Russian!!) so I've been getting through pretty much all of the Russian historical fiction section on Amazon (especially the Tsarist era). I'm also a big fan of stories set in Asia, especially China. I think that because I have a bit of prior knowledge about it from living in the part of the world, I don't feel too out of my depth and can really appreciate the historical and cultural significance to the stories.
Despite indulging in historical novels, as a language student I need to be constantly reading and improving, so I'm also working my way through the first Harry Potter book in Spanish. It is easy to read, but there is an insane amount of random and magic-related vocabulary to look up along the way. I can understand it all as I go along, but I tend to jot down vocab to add to my ever-growing list whilst reading, and then look it up and write it out properly at a later date (hence why it's taking me so long to finish!)
So without further ado, here's the little collection of novels that I've been hoarding on my Kindle to be devoured this summer;
- The Winter Palace (A novel of the young Catherine the Great) by Eva Stachniak (completed)
- The Empress of the Night by Eva Stachniak (completed)
- The Russian Concubine by Kate Furnivall
- The Jewel of St Petersburg by Kate Furnivall
- Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal by J.K. Rowling (in progress)
- The Bronze Horseman by Paulina Simons (completed)
- Tatiana and Alexander by Paulina Simons (in progress)
- Summer Garden by Paulina Simons
- Peony in Love by Lisa See
What have you guys got lined up to read this summer? Any recommendations to send my way?
Leave me a comment down below!