God I enjoy this time of year - stationary is like my legal high and there's nothing like a brand spanking new diary to get you ready for a new academic year. I face the difficult decision of which diary to choose every year, and although this soft cover Moleskine number (£15.99) looks fairly unassuming, I think I've hit the jackpot this time. I'm usually more of a digital gal, but I have to have a diary to keep all of my university work in order. The selling feature of this diary for me is the fact that one side of the page is the week, and the other side is blank lined paper for all of my notes/assignments. Before I would have to squash all of my work in the Sat/Sun section, but now I have a whole page for the (presumably) mountain of essays and projects I'm going to get bombarded with in my final year. I'm not a huge fan of the fact that's it's an 18 month diary (you know I like to get a new diary every year!), but the page layout is totally worth it, plus I don't have to use it until the end of next year if I don't want to. It may be slightly more expensive than the usual WH Smith diary I usually pick up, but it also comes with a useful 'Timetable' page, a section with random information like timezones and measurement conversions, and these fancy stickers in the back pocket of the diary to mark important dates. I can definitely say that I am one happy bunny due to this recent purchase, and - although I can't believe I'm saying this - I'm looking forward to getting my first assignments just so I can write them down!!

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