Long gone are the tipex-esque nails; the beauty industry have stepped up their game and have delivered some super chic shades to keep your mitts looking stylish all year 'round. I popped out to pick up Essie's Blanc after seeing Kate from gh0stparties donning it on her instagram page, and came back to find that I already had its Models Own counterpart 'White Light' in my collection, and that sparked an idea. I immediately got painting in order to determine which white was to ultimately steal my heart (#firstworldproblems much?), and here are the results...

Essie 'Blanc' (£7.99):
At £3 more expensive and a tad on the sheerer side, you would have thought that this would have already lost the race, but there's something about it that just makes me swoon. Both are pretty white, and from a distance you wouldn't notice a difference in colour, but close up I noticed that the Essie polish is ever-so-slightly cooler toned (more pink based) whereas the Models Own polish leans slightly to the warmer, cream/yellow side. Like I said, you wouldn't notice it if you weren't looking for it, but as I was, I picked it up and now it's all I can see. Personally the slightly cooler tone of the Essie version is more appealing to me, and that's why, despite it's slight faults, it wins my vote.

The cheaper of the two, and probably the best performing when it comes to opacity and shine, yet it's still Essie that takes the cake for me. This went on in two coats with no problem whatsoever, and due to it's 'hypergel' finish, didn't really need my 'ever-so-shiny' Seche Vite top coat to finish off the job. Both were pretty easy to work with, although this was less streaky than the Essie one on the first coat. If it had the slightly cooler tone that 'Blanc' did, then this probably would've won, but it's the Essie polish that wins for me.


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