Let's never forget this moment.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
As many of you know, I am currently on my Year Abroad - a whole year spent abroad in order to improve my language skills. I study both Russian and Spanish at the University of Bath, so I am currently living in Voronezh, Russia, and have been for nearly 3 months. Then, at the beginning of February 2014 I will be moving to Madrid for 6 months to study there as well. Trying to absorb everything - the language, the culture and the people can be utterly overwhelming - so much so that my time here has whizzed passed and I will be heading back to the UK in just under 3 weeks. I've found that scrapbooking has been a great way of recording my time here as I can just jot little tidbits about what's been going on or I can write a ten page summary of a recent trip. What I love most about my little scrapbook is that it has become home to lots of bits and bobs that I've collected along the way - ticket stubs, metro cards, stickers and receipts that I have enjoyed collecting to help me remember my time here. Like I said, everything goes so quickly so this little book of memorabilia helps me to remember all the little things that have happened before they escape my memory. I look forward to finishing it off for my time in Russia then packing it in my bag to continue the story in Madrid! Have you ever done a scrapbook?