Maybelline Colour Tattoo in Turquoise Forever  - £4.99

Don't worry - I haven't forgotten to post the beauty boxes that I missed, but since these boxes are actually on time, I'd thought I'd get them up first. So, let's start with Glossybox. I am really impressed with Glossybox's offerings this month, and honestly see myself using every last product. The first thing you see when you open the box is this huge Intuition Naturals Razor, which I think is a great idea. Being a student, I always just gravitate to the cheapest razor (usually the basic Venus one), and have never really ventured away from that. I know it's not overly exciting but it is something that I'd like to try but would probably never buy for myself - so I'm excited! Then we have one of the amazing Maybelline Colour Tattoos in a colour that I don't believe I have in a gorgeous aqua colour. I probably won't be getting much use out of this in the wintertime, but come summer I'll be all over it. Then we have a sample of the Sanctuary Spa Resurface & Refine Ultra Polish, which is a body exfoliator. After my hibernation in Russia I need a good scrub so I can imagine that this will get used up pretty quickly! If my memory serves me correctly, Glossybox gifted us a Seche Nail Polish in last years December box? Either way, I'm happy as I received this gorgeous coral colour that will be lovely once spring comes around. Last but not least, we have a gorgeous little nude lipgloss from Beautiful Movements Cosmetics. This is a gorgeous nude colour which glides on nicely, isn't one bit sticky and is actually quite pigmented - I'm happy. So, like I said, this box has definitely made me smile. Did you receive anything different in your box? Are you as happy as I am? Leave your comments down below...

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