When I saw this pop up online, I knew that it was something that I just couldn't pass up. Limited edition beauty boxes are becoming more and more popular - and the majority of the time you can see what products you're going to get before ordering - so they are a guaranteed hit. Latest in Beauty has brought out some great boxes in the past, but none have tempted me more than their Glamour Beauty Edit, which includes a great variety of cult products including skincare, makeup and haircare. The main reason that I was attracted to this box was the HD Brow Palette in Foxy - it has been in Glossybox twice (but never in my box!!) so I was determined to get my hands on it. What's more, it actually retails for just under £20, which makes this entire box an absolute bargain! I'm also looking forward to trying the Philip Kingsley 'One More Day' dry shampoo and the Balance Me Facial Oil, and it's always handy to have a travel size of my favourite mascara - They're Real from Benefit. The box is beautifully presented and, in my opinion, would make a great gift for any beauty lover. You can still buy the box here, and I would definitely recommend picking it up if you haven't already!

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