Madrid is a place of many temptations. Tapas, Zara and a pharmacy on every street - but none as inviting as Sephora. Yesterday marked my first month in this gorgeous city and I must have been into Sephora at least 50 times. Unfortunately, Sephora in Europe doesn't carry all of the amazing brands that the American branches do, but they are still an absolute pleasure to browse. A few of these items have been on my to-buy list for ages, and others were more of an on-the-spot buy. So, without further ado, let's take a quick look-see at what I've been spending my Euros on...

Clarins Gentle Exfoliating Brightening Toner:
This bad boy has been on my list for months - I've spent many a hour um-ing and ah-ing over whether this would be a product that would work for me, and after trying out a generous sample of this, I decided to take the plunge. My skin has been behaving very nicely *touch wood* recently, and I think that this has definitely contributed to that. I've already planned a proper post for this, so I won't say anything else now, but let's just say this - it's a good'un. 

Avene Eau Thermale:

I've had this before but finished it before coming to Spain, but I always like having a facial spray as it has so many uses. I got this mini size in a local pharmacy on offer for €2, I just couldn't resist. 

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Lipstick:

I am very, very excited about this. I am loving the fact that all of the drugstore brands are coming out with lipstick/lipgloss/lip-stain hybrids, and this is not one to be missed. Bourjois's offering provides a velvet/matte finish which I am very excited about trying out. Naturally, I went for a crazy bright colour - this one is called 'Pink Pong' - and it's stunning. Watch this space for an upcoming review. 

Bourjois 123 Perfect CC Cream:

I have spent about 2 weeks searching high and low to find this! As you may have guessed, I am a fair bit paler than the average Spaniard, yet for some reason the lightest shade - 31- has been sold out in every Sephora. I finally spotted it yesterday - a lone tube of shade 31 about to be sold out again - when I grabbed it and ran for the cashier. I've only tried this once, but I really like the finish it gives. 

Benefit Gimme Brow Eyebrow Gel:

This was my main impulse buy. Long story short, I forgot to bring eyebrow dye with me to Spain, I ended up going to Benefit to get my brows tinted, the girl used this on me afterwards, and it ended up in my shopping basket. Again, I'll be posting a review once I've had a bit of time to play around with it, so keep an eye out for that!

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