Despite being located less than and hour outside of central London, my family lives in the beautiful countryside surrounded by fields and all matters of nature. It's getting to that time of year when the harvest begins; apples ripening in the garden, hay being stripped and, in the fields surrounding our house; blackberries coming into bloom. The other day, we went on a short walk to the closest patch, accompanied by our Irish Kerry Blue Terrier, Desmond, and got picking. The fruit is deliciously sweet, and along with some apples that we had gathered beforehand, we made an apple and blackberry crumple to feast on the next day - 'twas scrumptious! I took my phone along with me so I could capture a few shots of what an English summer is like if you're not familiar with it. Luckily, we go this all done before the heavens started to open over the weekend!! I know this is a different kind of post, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. 

Isobel x

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