Write about what you love or what interests you, but what if you don't know what you like? What if you don't know what path you should be on? I just don't know what I like anymore, I just don't know what I'm interested in or what excites me. How can I write content that excites you lot when it doesn't even excite me? People bang on and on about being original and constantly coming up with new content - but I just don't know how to do that! I try my hardest to come up with new ideas but they never really seem to materialise - the most original and different ideas seem to come from the most original and different people - the ones who are constantly pioneering and pushing the limits, but that's just never really been who I am. I'm not sure I will ever be like that, but does that mean that I will never find success? I really don't know anymore. 

I love this blog so much and I've my heart and soul into it for over three years, and don't worry about me abandoning it anytime soon, but I just need to find my feet again. I already have a month or so of posts scheduled and ready to go, so hopefully a bit of time off will help me refresh without worrying about having to create new content. Bear with me, hopefully I'll get my mojo back before the month is up.

Isobel x

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