A Very Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
I love going home for Christmas. My Mum has the most amazing - if not slightly regal - way of transforming the house into the most festive place imaginable. With Christmas candles, overflowing, never-ending supply of chocolate and festive ornaments galore, it's hard to not get sucked into it all. Anyway, I was so impressed by this year's offerings that I thought I'd share as part of my season's greetings. I'm unfortunately stuck in bed sick as I write this, but I hope I'll start to feel better as of tomorrow. However, the point of this post is not to whine and complain, but instead to wish you all the merriest of Christmases (or whatever holiday you might celebrate). I would also wish you a Happy New Year, but I plan to keep up my every-other-day blogging schedule so I shall be seeing you before 2015 arrives. Anyway, I hope you all have a splendiferous day with your friends and family, and I'll see you on the 26th!
Isobel x