It's that time again...
Saturday, January 31, 2015
We've been here before - I have more makeup than I could use up in a lifetime and it's a problem that needs urgent attention. Stacks on stacks of unused and unloved makeup is a sad sight indeed, and I really need to use up what I've got before moving onto anything new. I've done a spending ban before and it was a great success, but it was only a month long and now I feel like I need to push myself further, so this time it's going to last two months! So, as of today - 31st January 2015 - I am officially on a beauty spending ban. I will try to be getting through makeup and skincare products so that I can actually identify what I like using, and what just gets left in the back of the drawer and perhaps needs to be given to a new owner. I also plan to do a monthly 'shopping my stash' type of post so you can see what I've been using and enjoying. Hopefully by the end of two months I will be able to appreciate more what I already have, and stop craving what I don't. I am going to be incredibly strict with myself, I will abide by the rules I've specified below, and if I do slip up, you'll be the first to know about it so you can tell me off!! So, here are my rules for the next two months;
- No makeup products except foundation (which I am running low on - although I can't be excessive with foundation buying either!)
- No skincare unless one of my key products needs replacing
- No replacing makeup items - use up what I've got before repurchasing anything
- No nail polishes either unless repurchasing one of my key base products (topcoat etc.)
Right, so I guess that's it. If I do make any amendments then I'll be sure to update you, but I'm pretty determined to stick to what I've already laid out. There may be some beauty posts of product you haven't seen before the ban is up, but if I purchased them before the beginning of the ban I will state that in the post. So there we go, this is the end of beauty buying until 1st April! Wish me luck!!