WARNING - this post discusses depression and self harm. If this is a trigger for you, then please read ahead with caution or give this post a miss all together. 


No one ever thinks it will go that far. Sure, at some point in almost everyone's life they probably have the odd, frustrated and over exaggerated thought about causing some sort of harm to them self, but it's usually reactionary, completely illogical, and something they would never actually dream to act on. 

That it, apart from those few that somehow cross the line, and before they know it, they've been carried far away with the current. 

It starts off with a little scratch caused by your kid-safe desk scissors - barely enough to even cause redness, never mind any bleeding. And you think that's as far as you'll ever go - that hurt enough. How could someone slice themselves open all over? That seems ridiculous - you swear when you get a paper cut, so you decide that you'll never even consider it again, it didn't help anything - there was no satisfaction, no relief, and well - it hurt. But soon it becomes somewhat of a challenge, a dare with yourself to see if you can actually cause any sort of physical damage - because surely if you can't, then you really can't be that upset, you must just be being overdramatic or trying to be an attention seeker. 

Before you know it, years have past and you're siting on your bathroom floor with a razor blade in one hand, and your scared flesh in the other. It's become one of your favourite pastimes - a way to escape the emotions spinning around in your head and just focus on one thing. It was the strangest sensation - I actually became 'blood-thirsty' - the pain wasn't necessarily what I was after all the time - it was to see that stream of blood dripping down my leg, that almost euphoric rush of life and the stain that it left behind. Suddenly, without even realising you've gone from barely there scratches to cuts that have left scars to this day. Maybe one day you'll even scare yourself when you accidentally go too deep on your upper arm and can see muscle peeking through - but even that isn't enough to keep you coming back for more.

It becomes a necessary part of your routine, a habit like your daily coffee. Like a drug addict - you're itching for your next fix and even though you know how bad it is and what it's doing to your body, it's gravitational pull is stronger than any fear you may have. You would do things like you would never imagine, like going to a stationary store and buying razor blades and them hiding them in various places around your room. 

Like a bad hangover, or a walk of shame - the morning after I would always feel intensely ashamed and mortified at what I'd done. And yet, once the rest of the house was asleep that night - I'd probably be yearning to head back to that dark, yet relieving place. It's in addiction, and as stupid as it sounds, you start to become embarrassed about who you are. You spend every second worrying about if someone is somehow going to see that scar on your upper thigh, or if someone will ask why you have a pen-knife in your pencil case. I remember once arriving at school and being reminded that compulsory swimming heats were going to be happening the next day, and I immediately launched into a fully-fledged panic attack because I had gotten a bit out of control the night before and my upper thighs were a state. 

I probably cut for the first time at 14, shortly before I started smoking and going out getting trashed. Now I'm 21, and although I've gotten through the worst of it, I still have hiccups. It's no longer a daily struggle, but an illness that lies far beneath the surface that bubbles to the surface every once in a while. My worst years were probably the last two years of high school, when I was 16/17. It's been 4/5 years, and there are still days when I feel like it's all going to come rushing back, and I'll fall off the wagon again and everything will come tumbling down. Stressful periods in my life provide the most temptation to return to being that 16 year old girl locked in the bathroom, but luckily I've managed to more or less refrain myself so far.

Much like my 'walking on eggshells' post, this story isn't about wanting pity or sympathy, but to show anyone out there who as been through is going through the same that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and as impossible as it seems to reach it, you'll get there, I promise. Things are never going to be 100% okay, but you'll learn how to cope and deal with stressful situations, and life will go on. I know just how uncomfortable it is to talk about this, especially face-to-face, so if any of you out there need to talk, please please email me at isobel@isobel-rose.com, send me a tweet or leave a comment because I know how hard it can be. 

Although you may not believe it, you're stronger than you think. You will get through this.

Isobel x

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