Time to relax
Saturday, January 3, 2015

... and breathe. I hate to be the girl who always seems to complain how hard life is for her, but let's face it - we all have our ups and downs. A shitty week at work, a sick loved one, or fresh heartbreak - we all have those weeks when we just want to curl up into a ball and hibernate for a month or two. My solution? Clearing an evening to do nothing but pamper myself. And when I mean pamper - I mean going all out - scented candles, bubble bath, a fancy cup of tea and a face mask - not just slumping into bed a few hours early and browsing the interwebz. Set a date, stock up on supplies, pick a fun movie/tv series to watch and go all out - go on, you deserve it. Now I'm not much of a bath girl - they take too long to run, I often overheat and it all just seems a bit of a kerfuffle. However, every once in a while I go all out and really try to enjoy it, and I feel all the more better for it. For me, taking a gorgeous relaxing bath, then slipping into clean pjs and then into clean bedsheets is the trifecta - nothing can beat it. That accompanied by a face mask or two, a cup of my favourite peach melba tea and and episode of Girls is what I need to really unwind and relax.
What is your favourite thing to do when you need to release some steam and have some 'you time'?