Let's not fool ourselves, we all love a bit of skincare, and a few weeks ago it was finally time to refill some of my all-time favourites - much to my bank balance's dismay. The first port of call was Origins to repurchase two of my must-have skincare bits, the Modern Friction Exfoliator and the High Potency Night-A-Mins Moisturiser, and I made sure to order from their website as they always send great samples, and if I was about to spend that much money, I wanted to be able to try out a few new products. When that box full of lush products landed on my doorstep, not only did it contain my two purchases, but some very generous samples from the Dr Andrew Weil Mega-Bright range, as well as a few cult favourites in sachet form - kaching! If you're a fan of Origins products, then I would definitely recommend ordering from their website (preferably in bulk!) as they are insanely generous with their samples, and the more you spend, the more you get! Then I thought, as I was already fully aboard the skincare wagon, that I finally needed to repurchase my well-loved and sorely missed REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask from my local M&S Beauty Hall. I've talked about my love of chemical exfoliators before here, and although this comes in at £30 a pop, it's definitely something worth investing in. By chance, a consultant from REN happened to be wandering the aisles of the beauty hall offering free consultations, and her magic way with words and my more-troublesome-than-usual skin lately meant that I ended up leaving with the REN Clarimatte Invisible Pores Detox Mask as well - oops. I haven't had much of an opportunity to try this yet, but from what I have seen of it, it seems pretty nice. So there we go - a naughty but *necessary* skincare splash that restocked my cupboards and put a big smile on my face!

What have been your favourite skincare products lately? 
Are there any that you simply can't be without? Let me know in the comments!

*All items were purchased before the start of my spending ban :)

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