A blog post with a partly french title is quite strange having just a week ago finished my degree in Spanish and Russian, but ho hey - If I had said 'небольшой апдейт' then I would've confused the majority of you - including myself. So how is everyone? It's been about 3 weeks since my last update and it's been quite hectic on my end - exams, essays and that amazing feeling when it's all over that's hard to beat. In the last week, I've been doing a lot of thinking - especially when it comes to the future of this blog. Don't worry, I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, but certain things about the blogging world have made me second think a few things and question my motives for my own blog. I think I'll do a more detailed post about this in a couple of weeks once I've gotten back into the swing of blogging but expect a few changes in the months to come. I'm not going to dive back into my every-other-day schedule just yet either, I'm just going to take things as they come and blog when I feel like it, but hopefully I'll get my groove back soon! 

In other news, whilst I was on my 'study break' Isobel Rose passed the 1000 follower mark and I couldn't be more thankful! That has been my biggest goal for so long, and reaching it was honestly a huge achievement for me so thank you all. I'm all about making my readers happy so if there are any topics that you want me to cover then leave me a comment and I'll see what I can come up with.

Anyway that's all for now, I have a big day tomorrow so I need my beauty sleep (let's not kid ourselves, I'll be up until 2am regardless) but I'm excited to get back to blogging and get started on some bigger projects that have always been put off in favour of my degree! 

Isobel x

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