Oh hey! So as you can probably tell, I'm trying something new today. I've always been a bit of a designer at heart, and although these are far from my finest pieces work, I've been playing around on Photoshop recently and I thought I'd share what I've been working on with you guys. The idea came from my little notebook of content ideas where I'd drawn a ridiculous little camera icon next to an idea to tick off once I'd taken the photo for the post, and I kind of went from there. Below we have three versions of a simple 'to-do list' where you can write a blog post idea and tick of the following as you go: photo taken, post written, post published/scheduled, and post shared on social media. Like I said, nothing mind-blowing but I thought I'd post them because someone might some use out of them! Do let me know if you decide to download them (links below) and tell me if you have any other downloadables that you'd like to see! 

Blog Checklist 1                                  Blog Checklist 2                                        Blog Checklist 3

I x

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