I've always been a bit of a hoarder. Not one of those yoghurt lid collectors that end up drowning in their own filth, but the kind of person that often says to themselves 'I might need that' and adds yet another trinket to their endless pile of bits and bobs. Surprisingly, that means that I have rather a lot of items lying around that may not be all that useful. One that shows a lot of promise, however, is my collection of cool little fabric bags that you get included in the My Little Box monthly deliveries. As a long time fan of this hugely creative and versatile beauty and lifestyle box, I've collected quite a number of these cute little bags and have come up with a few ways in which they serve me well. Let's take a look, shall we?  

Use them to contain all of your chargers when you go on holiday

These little sacks are the perfect size to contain all of your wires and chargers when you're off travelling, whether for a long weekend or a month abroad. Wrap us your USB cables with a plastic band and shove your adaptor plug in there and you're good to go! There's no satisfaction like a neat and organised suitcase - for me, anyway.

Use them to store sanitary products

Bulky boxes - who needs them? Pads and tampons (that I like, anyway) always come in bulky cardboard boxes that take up far too much room in my bathroom cupboard than I can afford (it's a cupboard for ants, I'm telling ya') These bags, however, are quite literally the perfect size for hoarding all of your sanitary products in and they take up much less space, as well as being generally less awkward to squeeze into tight spaces.

Use them to organise your handbag

One way that these nifty bags have really come in handy for me is when it comes to adding a bit of order to my handbag. Whenever I switch my preferred handbag around, I often end up just throwing my bits and bobs in willy nilly, which ends up in a huge, unorganised mess and I usually forget or misplace something. As of late, I've been collecting all of those little things that plague any normal handbag - Nurofen, plasters, lip balm, etcetera - and gathering them up into one of these little MLB sacks. This makes for much easier bag switching as I know my basics will always be in the right place. 

What would you use these bags for? Any suggestions? Do let me know!

Isobel x

Want to see what else comes in the MLB deliveries every month? Make sure to follow me on Instagram, where I share the contents of each box every month.

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