My, my, my, it's certainly been a while, hasn't it? I'll spare you the boring ramble about how I lost all motivation and inspiration and then Christmas happened and then meh. That's all you need to know - thrilling, non? As I'm growing as a human being my opinions and preferences are changing with me and I've finally figured out that I can no longer blog like I did 5 years ago, it simply doesn't make sense anymore. What I'm trying to figure out at the moment is how to continue without losing my former style but whilst still staying true to who I am now. Tricky stuff indeed. Anyway, what I'm going to do is try to post once a week to figure out what works for me and what doesn't and hopefully you, my darling readers, will enjoy growing along with me. 

If there are any posts/subjects that you are dying to see here on Isobel Rose then do let me know but if not then enjoy the mishmash of random blog post topics and styles to come whilst I figure this thing out.

- Isobel  xx

p.s. Happy 2017!

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