If you’re someone that follows beauty releases, then you’ll know full well that there are quite a few products that tend to be carried away in a sea of excitement and then end up being somewhat overhyped. That by no means mean that they aren’t any good - most of them are still quality products but they don’t necessarily deserve the praise that they may be receiving any more than any other quality product. Then we have those that are good but are certainly not worth their $$ price tag; the kind of products that you’d be all over if they were a third (or even a half) of the price, but you can’t quite justify them as they are. Today I’ve got two such products to showcase: 
Don’t get me wrong - this is really pretty - but at the end of the day, it’s just a lip balm with an ever-so-slight pink tinge that looks beautiful but is certainly not worth the £24. I still feel slightly ashamed that I ever gave into this temptress, even claiming that I received it as a present on occasion. To sum up: pretty if you have some money to splash and are in the mood to buy something, but definitely not worth it if you’re simply in the market for a new lip balm - stick to the vaseline. 

Oh. My God. How pretty is this?! The peacock shade of this cream eyeshadow makes me swoon, fo' realz, but £22 for a stunning shade that probably won't be featured in my regular makeup routine is a tad steep. What's more, it's the colour that gets me, not the formula. Let's just say that if a drug store brand brought out an exact dupe I'd be swapping this in in a second. 

Do you have any products that are simply stunning but are certainly not worth the price tag?
Let me know - maybe I'll be able to avoid some overhyped purchases in the future!

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