Top 5 MAC Face Brushes
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Hi guys! So I know a lot of you use or want to try MAC brushes, so this post will be about my favourite face brushes, which might help you out when choosing your next (or first!) brush. I am aware that these brushes are quite expensive (which is why i'll do a drugstore version), however they are a great investment, and when treated well will last you years.

So first we have the MAC 187 brush. MAC describes this brush as "A large full circular brush used for lightweight application and blending of face powder or pigments. Use to create soft layers or add textures. Made from a soft blend of goat and synthetic fibres" I personally love this brush for 3 things, foundation, creme blushes and applying a sheer layer of a powder. It is one of the softest brushes I have ever touched and I use it pretty much everyday for something.
So first we have the MAC 187 brush. MAC describes this brush as "A large full circular brush used for lightweight application and blending of face powder or pigments. Use to create soft layers or add textures. Made from a soft blend of goat and synthetic fibres" I personally love this brush for 3 things, foundation, creme blushes and applying a sheer layer of a powder. It is one of the softest brushes I have ever touched and I use it pretty much everyday for something.
Next up we have the MAC 190. This is a classic paddle shaped foundation brush, and that is what I use it for. I switch around my foundation brushes but this is the one I use most often. I find it hard to get completely clean, yet it is still an excellent brush. However, this is not the first brush I would buy from MAC as there are a lot cheaper versions similar that will last you.
Moving on, we have one of my all time favorite brushes from MAC, the 109. MAC describes it as a "small contour brush" but I use this brush for everything, and I mean everything. Blush, powder, foundation, creme blushes, bronzer, contour, you name it, the 109 can do it! This should definitely be at the top of your list to try, it is truly amazing.
Next we have the MAC 134. This is a huge brush and it is really dense. It only really has two uses, which are for all over powder and bronzer. This brush is really soft, but much like the 190, is not essential as you can buy much, much cheaper versions.
Finally we have a brush that is considered to be an eye brush, the MAC 224. I always used to use it for blending, which it is good at, but it does another job better. After watching Pixiwoo on YouTube, I discovered that this brush is phenomenal at applying concealer. It applies product and blends it out seamlessly, making it one of my top brushes.
So I hope some of you found this helpful and check back soon because I will be doing posts about my top 5 eye brushes from MAC, and my top drugstore brushes.
Until next time,
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