Hey guys,

So we have all seen this amazing mint coloured nail polish splashed across S/S fashion for the last couple of years. It is a cult favourite, not only for its clean, fresh look, but also for it's fun, flirty, feminine feel (try saying that 10 times fast!!)

A particularly popular shade has always been Essie's Mint Candy Apple. However, when I was living in HK, this wasn't widely available to me so I ended up buying one of my all-time favourite polishes - GOSH's Miss Minty (you can see me rave about it here!) Well I've got some good news for those of you that cannot access one of these brands... they are practically identical! 

For those of you in the UK, Essie nail polishes retail for £7.99 and Boots/Superdrug and GOSH nail polishes retail for £5.00 in Superdrug. So the GOSH polish is cheaper, yet the Essie polish seems to be easier to come by. Honestly, they are identical so it's up to you, but they are both stunning and definitely worth checking out :)


  1. I have both of these but have never realised how similar they are! I love Mint Candy Apple but hate the formula so will definitely be getting out Miss Minty instead xx

  2. Hey, I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. I love what your blog has to offer so check it out here at It's Just a bit Fruity Fashion Blog

    Emma x

  3. Love it!



