Origins Haul!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
It's no secret that I cannot get enough of buying and experimenting with skincare at the moment. I'll admit it - I'm a skincare addict! I just love the feeling of finding a product that really works for your
skin and gives you that extra skip in your step. Anyway, after catching up with two of my favourite bloggers/youtubers (and enablers!) Kate from Gh0stparties and Anna from Vivianna Does Makeup, I decided it was time to pop down to Origins and take another look at some of their cult products. So, what did I end up purchasing? Let's take a look...
Being in a polluted, warm city has started to take its toll on my skin and it is not happy with me. The beauty of this charcoal based mask is that it cleanses deeper than most helping to get rid of all the "stuff" (as Origins like to call it) clogging up my pores. I tend to get lots of little red spots around my cheek area and nose and this beauty has been helping to keep those at bay. I have only used it a couple of times but I can already tell that this is a keeper!
The main inspiration behind buying this was Kate. I cannot get enough of her blogs and videos because she seems to be a skincare genius. This product is actually targeted at oily/combination skin, but Kate said that it works well with all skin types. This is meant to rehydrate and rejuvenate your skin, allowing it to soak up maximum moisture. So far this has been working nicely on my skin, but only time will tell. If you haven't watched Kate's skincare videos or are simply curious about where to begin when it comes to all things skincare, I would highly recommend her Skincare for Beginners video - it has helped me so much!
Funnily enough, I wasn't actually planning on buying both of the products at the same time, but when this amazing array of samples was offered if I did buy both, I could hardly say no! I'm actually fairly new to Origins so I could not have asked for a better gift-with-purchase to be thrown my way. So far I cannot wait to try the GinZing moisturiser, the Modern Friction exfoliator and the VitaZing BB cream.
I cannot wait to continue trying these products out - but if you have a favourite Origins product then please comment/email/tweet me and let me know - I can't wait to try more product out!