I'm sorry, but what is it about January beauty boxes - why are they always such a let down? Apart from the Anatomicals Under Eye Patches (which are hardy luxury), and the tweezers, there isn't a full sized product in sight. It's hard to say which box a prefer - Birchbox has more interesting/high end brand choices yet they are all samples, whereas Glossybox has a few full sized products, but they are all from cheaper brands. The only upside to all of these samples is the fact that I'm moving to Madrid on Sunday for 6 months - and need all the luggage space I can get - so these will keep me going until I get the time to go shopping there. Highlights for me - Balance Me Super Toning Body Wash (great for travelling and a gorgeous body wash), the tweezers from The Vintage Cosmetics Company and the Philip Kingsley Elasticizer (although I got this a few months back). Overall, I've been majorly underwhelmed by this month's offerings, and it's a shame because these are the last beauty boxes I will be getting for as while (as I suspended my subscriptions until I'm back in the country). I guess I'll just keep track of tthe boxes they bring out whilst I'm away and decide whether or not to reactive my subscriptions. Hasta la vista, beauty box.

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