Brows for days.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
There's nothing worse than returning from a long day (or night) out to find that your eyebrows have completely disappeared, or even worse, have disappeared in a few select spots. It's happened to us fair-haired gals far too often, but do not fret! I have to solution(s) to all of our problems. Enter two of my most beloved, long lasting brow beaters that will keep your brows in place all day - the Make Up Forever Aqua Brow, and Benefits newest offering, Gimme Brow. These two are both gel based - meaning that you won't come home at the end of the day with a frustrated expression plastered on your face, literally. Being a blonde, I've gone for the lightest shade of both products, but Benefit's Gimme Brow comes in a one other shade, and the MUFE Aqua Brow comes in several darker shades - making sure our brunette girls are catered for. I have personally tried and tested both of these suckers, and I can now tell you, without a shadow of a doubt - they work. I'm sure many of you will now join me in a little 'hurrah' - it's never been so satisfying to take your makeup of at night, and actually make a conscious effort to make sure those brows come off to! With Gimme Brow retailing at £17.50, and the MUFE Aqua Brow for £16.75, aren't cheap, but boy are they worth every penny.