Picture courtesy of the lovely Shannon over at www.raspberrykiss.co.uk

Living abroad at the moment, I obviously haven't had the chance to pick up any of Makeup Revolution's products for myself, but I feel like I can make a pretty fair judgement based on the monumental amount of posts I've seen online about the brand. I'm all for offering a more affordable version of a cult product for those who can't/won't splash out on the original, but I think that MR has taken it a bit too far for my liking. Sure, take inspiration, but don't straight up copy not only the colour range, but also the order of the colours in the palette! You might as well have put it through a photocopier and called it good. My problem with this is the lack originality, like I said, take inspiration all you want, but this to me is flat out plagiarism. If you google swatches online, you can see what I'm talking about. Not only have they produced copies of the UD Naked Palette (their version being called the Iconic 1 Palette), but also ones of the Naked 2 and 3 palettes (unsurprisingly named Iconic 1 and Iconic 2), and by the looks of it, the UD Electric palette as well. Don't get me wrong, I am fully aware that cheaper brands have done this kind of thing in the past (MUA, I'm looking at you...) but not quite to this level of accuracy. Maybe it's just me, perhaps I am overreacting, but if I was part of UD, I'd probably be pretty ticked off.  

What do you think of Makeup Revolution's copies of higher end brands?
I'd love to hear your opinions.

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