I'll tell you a little secret. Before I read this marvellous post by Gwen over at This Fashion is Mine, my blog organisation started and ended in the 'drafts' and 'scheduled' folders of my Blogger dashboard. I mainly blogged day to day, having one or two post planned ahead of me if I was lucky, because I couldn't really find a way to organise my ideas in one place. That was until Gwen introduced Google Calendar to me - something I'd heard of, but had never really looked into or utilised. Gwen's idea was an extreme one - that with the right tools and approach to things, you could quite easily plan a years worth of blog posts. That's right - a year. It isn't really realistic for any blogger to plan a year in advance as new releases show up, and you have new ideas all the time, but the idea was that it's entirely possible if you know how. As soon as I have an idea, I slot it into my calendar where it sits waiting to be moved/adjusted/developed until it's ready to be published, and really it's as simple as that. Earlier this month I decided to take a screen shot of my calendar (which has now changed quite a bit) just so you can get an idea of how I use it...

Key: Ideas, Started, Completed + Scheduled, Series

What I like about Google Calendar is that I can colour code events, move them around as I please, and I can access it anywhere. In fact, you can even set it up to email you however many days before a post to remind you to have it ready which can be great if you're super busy or a tad scatter-brained. This is only one part of my 'blogging process' (more of which I'll talk about in a week or so...) but it's become an invaluable tool for a busy blogger like me.

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