Notice something different? I've been trying to figure out who I am outside of education, as that's all I've ever known, and a new design is all part of said adventure. I loved my old design, but typical ol' me got a bit bored of it and decided to revisit the Etsy shop where I purchased my previous design and came across this template. The Basic Page has some amazing designs and I would totally check it out if you're looking for a new look for your blog. As well as their lovely designs, the owner - Gabriela - is lovely and really helpful.

Anyway, the whole idea behind refreshing things was that I wanted Isobel Rose to move into a more sophisticated and professional stage - much like myself. It is my blog after all, so I want it to reflect me as a person - forever evolving

So what do you think? Oh, and don't worry - I'll be back to beauty in no time. I know I've been doing a lot of 'more personal' posts recently and those aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I'm just trying to find my feet again after my little break.

Until next time! 

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