If you follow me on Twitter/Instagram then you will know that Tuesday, 30th June 2015 was a big day for me; after four years of incredible highs and challenging lows, I finally graduated with a BA (Hons) in Modern Languages and European Studies (Spanish and Russian) from the University of Bath, England. It's such a surreal feeling because I've spent four years of my life working towards this extraordinary goal - suddenly it has all come to an end, and I can officially call myself a 'graduate'. Not only does this mark a significant stage in my life, but also in the life of my beloved blog. I started Isobel Rose mere months before I moved away from my parents and my home in Hong Kong to start a new life at university in England. This blog has seen me through my freshers year, my struggle to find myself as I left my teenage years behind, my adventures in both Russia and Spain during my Year Abroad (which you can read more about here) and my trying final year in the struggle to finish my degree. 

The day itself was incredible - there wasn't a single cloud in the sky which meant that the sun was beaming down on us (making for some very sweaty graduates under our heavy black robes!) Our graduation ceremony took place inside Bath Abbey which is absolutely stunning, and the Chancellor of the Univeristy of Bath (HRH Prince Edward!!) shook each of our hands and presented us with the valuable piece of paper that we had spent four years working so hard for. Once we exited the Abbey after an hour of students receiving degrees and speeches, we took every opportunity to take photos with our closest friends and to celebrate the end of an incredible era - an era that has had a great influence over the person I have become. 

So what's next...? Ahh, the infamous question that a recent graduate can't seem to escape from. Well first I'm going to try to have a bit of a holiday, as I don't feel like I've had a proper one since I was 18, and whilst relaxing I am going to continue my job search and hopefully have something to start come September. Honestly, it's strange no longer having your life laid out for you, but the unknown can be quite exciting - although a tad scary. 

I x

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