As you can probably tell, Birchbox has had a makeover! It's a nice change and I like how everyone seems to get different coloured bags. Anyway, enough with the packaging - let's move onto the products!

I have nearly finished my Dr Renard moisturiser so this is perfect timing. However, the product that you get is actually pretty small. I doubt that I will get more than 5 uses out of the sample given, but it will still be nice to try out, and will keep me going until I get around to purchasing another moisturiser.

My hair is super tangly so I am excited to try this bad boy out. It's a nice sized sample so it should last me a good amount of time, but it is compact enough to travel with, which is going to be very important for me throughout the next year.

Great timing! I'm off to Barcelona in the morning so I am looking forward to giving this a go. I have always been interested in gradual tanning products, as I have pale skin which I don't dare to fake tan, so this should be interesting to try out. Packed!

In the box itself I received the green shade, London Calling, and was thrilled as it's a great bright colour for summer and I have always been a fan of the brand. However, when I opened up the mint green box inside the box itself, I was pleasantly surprised with another (!) polish in a gorgeous nude colour called Mod in Manhattan. I'm excited to try these out :)

I haven't really tried any products from ModelCo, but it is always useful to have a spare black eyeliner around. I haven't tried it yet so I don't really have anything to say about it, but I will be sure to test it and see how it performs. 

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