There's a million and one clay masks out there, but two that seem to continually pop up are the Origins Clear Improvement Mask, and a much cheaper alternative, the Botanics Shine Away Ionic Clay Mask. So, the question is - which of these two is better? Is it worth splurging and getting the Origins version, or are you better off saving your pennies and buying the purse-friendly Boots mask? Well, I've been testing these two out for a fair few months now, and I've finally made my decision. So, without further ado, let's see how these two compare...

- More expensive
- Harsher, deeper cleanse
- Better at getting eliminating those pesky, hard to get rid of spots
- Thicker, so harder to remove (adding to the harshness as you have to rub a bit to remove it).

- Cheaper of the two
- Not as harsh, better for sensitive skin 
- Won't dry the skin out as much
- Much easier to remove

So, in short, this is what I'd recommend;
- If you have normal/oily-oily skin: Origins
- If you have normal/dry-very dry skin: Either, but Botanics will be less drying
- If you have sensitive skin: Botanics
- If you have combination skin: It's up to you - if you pick the Origins version, then make sure to keep the drier parts of your face moisturised after use, but if you pick the Botanics mask then you might need a stronger treatment in addition to it to keep any pesky blemishes at bay.

Basically, I'm actually glad that I own both - I like to use the Botanics version for a more regular deep cleanse, but I'm glad I have the Origins mask for those times when I really need a thorough, purifying mask. Having dry skin, I have to make sure I thoroughly moisturise my skin after using the Origins one, but it can't be beaten for those times when I need a real detox.

Have you guys tried any clay masks? What did you think of them?

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