I've been hinting at an upcoming project that I've become involved in for a week or so now, and now is the time to share my news with all of you lovely readers. A few years ago, one of my close friends Scarlett Clark launched Scriptoeris - an international lifestyle magazine aimed at empowering females. The brand has been developing gradually and has made a real splash online (retweeted by Kristin Davis aka Charlotte from Sex and the City!) so when Scarlett approached me and asked me to be the head editor of the new Beauty section of the site, I simply couldn't turn it down. So what does this mean for Isobel Rose? Nothing really! I will continue to post every other day on here, but twice a month I will also be posting on Scriptoeris about anything and everything beauty. My first post is set to be released on the 2nd December, but until then I seriously encourage you to go and visit Scriptoeris and see what it's all about. There's posts with advice about travelling, careers, university and fashion, and soon there will be a brand-spanking new Beauty section for you all to check out.

I hope you are all as excited as I am for this new adventure, and I hope you enjoy taking a look at Scriptoeris because it's an incredible resource for ambitious women. 

Isobel x

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