My Blogging Process
Monday, November 24, 2014
Blogging is much harder that people may initially think - even as a super organised person (if I do say so myself!) I often have a bit of trouble keeping up with my thoughts. Ideas appear at the most random times, and if you're not prepared to write them down or do something about them at the moment that they strike, they they can disappear just as suddenly as they dropped into your lap in the first place. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that it really pays to be organised if you're serious about blogging.
I talked about my editorial calendar in a previous post (which you can see here), but that is just one step of my blogging process. The first step for me is this rather snazzy notebook that you can see in the pictures above - this is where I brainstorm ideas, keep track of and plan series on the blog, and write lists about what posts still need to be written or still need a photo. However, if I'm already on the computer I will usually skip the notebook and add it straight into my calendar to save time and space. Then once the idea is out there I head straight for my beloved DSLR camera and get shooting. As a creative type, I've always loved the photography aspect of my blog, so I almost always get my image done and edited before I start writing as I find it helps to keep me inspired throughout the entire process. Basically, the general structure of my blogging process is as follows;
(Notebook) --> Google Calendar --> Photograph --> Write content --> Schedule + publish
Saying that, occasionally an idea will come to me and I will have written it up, come up for an idea for the picture (if I don't have my camera on me) and have it pretty much ready to go within 30 minutes. It honestly can be so random so I just like to go with the flow, but have the above structure to keep me organised when miraculous blog ideas aren't dropping out of the sky.
Do you have any specific blogging process or do you just roll with the punches? Do you think it's important to have an organised system or do you prefer to just make it up as you go along? Tell me your thoughts!