I might've gone shopping...
Friday, June 20, 2014Ohh, an extra post - how very exciting! A post yesterday, a post today and a post tomorrow - don't tell me that I never treat you! On Monday I finally finished my exams and my life as a Spanish uni student is now over! So, to treat myself, I hit the centre of Madrid with one of my best friends for a shopping spree. Luckily for us, the sales had just started, and the Spanish sun was beaming down upon us. So what did I pick up? Let's take a look shall we?
So, first up was Pull & Bear, and initially nothing caught my eyes, but just as we were about to leave I decided to try on these sunglasses and fell in love. In January I wrote up a '50 things I want to do/achieve in 2014' for myself, which included a variety of things from reading an entire book in Spanish to visiting 3 new cities - and buying myself a nice new pair of sunglasses was one of them. I originally thought about splashing out on some Ray Bans, but we hardly get enough sun in England to really justify that. So, when I spotted these Ray Ban lookalikes for only 12.99€, I just had to snatch them up. I usually find it hard to find sunglasses that suit me, but I love these - plus they came with a really nice tropical case!
Then we headed to H&M and straight to the sale racks. I was a tad apprehensive about buying anything as I'll have to lug it all back to London and less than 3 weeks, so I tried to restrain myself. The one thing I did get was a pink tank top with a cross design on it that was on sale for 7€, which is really light and comfy. I plan to wear it whilst in holiday mode here in Madrid, and then perhaps retire it to pj top when I'm back in the UK.
After a quick water stop, we decided to wander up the gorgeous Calle de Fuencarral, and we happened to end up in Brandy Melville. I've heard so many bloggers talk about this, but I just assumed that it would be expensive so I had never ventured inside, that was, until the other day. My friend said that she had bought a few necklaces in there, so we decided to browse a little. 5 minutes later I left the shop with this gorgeous gold necklace in hand, for the extremely reasonably price of 6€. I definitely think I'll be visiting again before I leave Madrid to see what other necklaces they have on offer.
The last stop I made was to Sephora, in the search of a Benefit Brow Bar that had time to tame my unruly brows. Unfortunately, both of the stores I visited were fully booked for the day, so I decided to browse the store instead. A mistake? Perhaps. To be fair, I was pretty well behaved! I only intended to buy this smaller size of the Erborian BB Creme Au Ginseng (14.90€), but at the counter they had these cute little Estée Lauder lipsticks for only 5€, and I just couldn't resist. The shade I got is a stunning red called Envious (340) and it's a perfect little handbag companion - like I needed anymore red lipsticks. By the way, before you say anything, my spending ban finished on the 15th. I am still trying to be extremely limited in what I buy, but I wanted to try out this BB cream before I left so that if I like it, I could buy it online in England without having to worry about colour matching etc.
So, that's it! Have you bought anything nice lately? Let me know in the comment section!