Why hello! What many of you may not know is that I am currently in Australia with (most of) my family for two weeks! With the internet being worse than useless where I'm staying, I've had to sneak off to an internet café (which frankly isn't much better but at least lets me tweet without any problems!) Either way - it has been hard to keep up communication on my end - eg. replying to all comments, but I do still get to see my emails and have read every comment, so thank you have you have sent one :) As much as I love coming to Australia, let's face it, I truly belong to this tech-loving generation, and the lack of internet has disrupted me more than I thought it would.. I haven't watched a YouTube video in a week for heavens sake!!

Anyway, I will be back in Hong Kong on the 24th - but that is when my life will become a complete whirlwind - let's just say that this holiday is the quiet before the storm! I will try to keep up my blog as best I can - at least my wifi should be fairly reliable for a few weeks! So, back to HK on the 24th, London on the 30th, down to Bath to change wardrobes/suitcase on the 2nd-4th then back to London. But is not where the fun stops..! On the 7th September at precisely 7am I AM MOVING TO RUSSIA FOR 3.5 MONTHS! I still can't quite believe it myself - but the tickets have been bought, the visa (finally) completed and the huge fluffy coat purchased! I don't even know which family I will be living with yet so I have no idea about the internet capabilities available to me - but do not fret, there is no possible way I could survive 3 months without internet so I will be sorting something out ASAP :)

Well I guess that is it for my little ramble, so congrats if you made it all the way through! Before I go though, I must say hats off to you Aussie bloggers - cosmetics are ridiculously expensive here - I don't know how you do it!

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